John Kennedy's Card Thru Window
The Effect
The hottest trick release in years, John Kennedy's new Card Thru Window has magicians around the world excited. Card Thru Window has arrived and will be shipped next day while supplies last.
A modern miracle 20 years in the making!
John Kennedy's new Card Thru Window is hands-down the most powerful and practical effect of its kind. Those of you familiar with other methods will appreciate the fact that this version can even be performed in full daylight!
Imagine This Effect: A card is freely chosen from an ordinary deck. You tear off one corner of the card and hand it to a spectator as a receipt. The rest of the card is replaced in the deck and the entire deck is inserted back into the box. "Watch this," you say, walking up to a window. You hold the box behind the closed curtain for about two seconds.
As if it were your own private theater, you open the curtain and reveal a card stuck on the window. Its back is showing and a corner is missing. "What was your card?" you ask. You then flip it over and stick it back on the glass. Yes, it is indeed the selected card!
Now for the strange part: The spectator walks up to the window to match the corner, but all of a sudden realizes that the card is actually stuck on the OUTSIDE of the glass! He's wondering how this could be possible. After all, you just turned the card over a few moments ago. But it gets even stranger.
The big payoff: You take the corner from him and slap it against the window. It instantly and visibly sticks to the glass on the outside of the window! That's right, both parts of the card are now stuck on the outside of the glass! It looks surreal because they're spaced slightly apart but obviously fit together perfectly.
How could this be possible? John Kennedy has spent 20 years making this the most powerful and practical method ever. You can perform it in FULL DAYLIGHT! It's totally different from anything else. There's no difficult sleight-of-hand, no overly complicated preparation, and no bulky contraption.
What You Get
The secret
The ability to perfom one of the most incredible practical effects ever invented.
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