David Blaine - Gyroscope
Times Square while spinning 8 times per minute. The stunt will last through Thanksgiving Day as Blaine attempts to escape by 5AM on Friday, November 23rd, 2006.
Blaine will dangle near Times Square for almost three days before attempting to escape from some shackles.
"This is more difficult than anything I've ever done," Blaine said before he was loaded into the contraption, which was then hoisted up 50ft (15m).
The three spinning steel rings can flip Blaine in various directions up to eight times per minute.
The shackles will be added to Blaine on Thursday, giving him 16 hours to free himself.
The illusionist said his biggest concerns, besides not eating or drinking, were the freezing weather and dizziness.
"Spinning Wheel" Gyroscope

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